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Dr. Sanjay Doshi

Dr Sanjay Doshi graduated in 1996 from the National University of Singapore, and has been practicing medicine since.

His medical experience in looking after terminally ill patients at the Assisi Hospice and dealing with emergency cases at the Accident & Emergency (A&E) department of a private hospital, helped shaped his perspective on the role of medical treatment.

Dr Sanjay Doshi philosophy is such that the application of medical knowledge should not be limited to treating specific symptoms and diseases. It should also be used to enhance a patient’s quality of life and assist in preventing or reducing the ravaging effects of diseases.

Taking a holistic approach on healing, Dr Sanjay believes that a medical practitioner should not only treat a specific disease symptom but also address the underlying causes of the disease. Such an approach would not only ensure better management of a specific disease, but it would also go a long way in improving a patient’s quality of life and reduce other potential medical side effects and complications.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Dr Sanjay worked to support the various national pandemic programmes and served as an Adjunct Tutor at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He was awarded the NUS Medicine Fortitude Award for his contributions by the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS.

Dr Sanjay believes in continuous learning and holds a Graduate Diploma in Family Practice Dermatology. He also co-authored a paper titled “Community Study of the health-related quality of life of schizophrenia patients in Singapore”, which was published in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology in 2003.

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